當前位置:文檔之家? 中英語言與文化差異對廣告翻譯的影響


Influences of Language and Cultural Differences on the

Advertising Translation

Abstract: Advertisement has become one of the most important products of culture in the modern age. It is a form of communication that typically attempts to persuade potential customers to purchase or to consume products or service of a brand. Especially, advertising language is characterized by cultural and age background. Western languages are rule-dominated, while the Chinese is dominated by people. There are many differences in the structure of language, and when describe something in advertisement, Chinese tends to imagine, but English tends to preciseness. A good trademark translation embodies the perfect combination of translation technology and aesthetics. Different culture has different impact on advertising translation including history, value, and custom and so on. This paper gives a detailed analysis of advertisement translation, and some valuable examples.



關鍵詞:廣告; 廣告翻譯; 文化; 語言

  • 中英文化差異與翻譯

  • 英漢語言對比與翻譯

  • 廣告翻譯中的文化差異
